Be safe from cyber threats with Zebyte SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) Certificates to your website, ensuring the safety of your data and gaining the trust of customers. Improve SEO ranking for higher visibility and achieve increased sales targets effectively.
Zebyte Cloud provides SSL certificates that ensure secure online connections. These certificates provide encryption, authentication, and integrity of the data transferred between the customer's browser and your website, protecting sensitive information and building customer trust. This will increase your credibility and site performance by giving visitors a safe browsing experience.
An SSL Certificate is a certificate allows encryption of data between users' browsers and your website; it's what enables secure online transactions.
SSL can also be used to encrypt data, provide security, engender trust from customers, and give better search engine rankings.
Yes, SSL is compatible with all major web browsers.
Apply for an SSL through your hosting provider(Zebyte Cloud) or a Certificate Authority (CA).
Install an SSL through the hosting control panel or other management interface of the server.
Some technical background can be helpful, but nearly all providers will send step-by-step guides and assistance.